Adapt Tetras Doc' to your project

This Documentation will guide you to setting up this template.

Create Menu Item into Doc

If you want to create new main menu Item as presented bellow follow those steps :


  • Create a folder into content/docs/
  • Create as many subfolder into content/docs/NewMenuItem/ as you need
  • Every subfoler must contain an and a

title: "My Title"

description: "This an optional description of the content"

summary: "This is optionnal"

date: date of today at format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+GMT

lastmod: date of modification at format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+GMT

draft: false



parent: ""

identifier: "reference-22e9ba8aefa7ef9891199cf8db3a08cd"

weight: 700 (Represent the order where your item will be on the menu)

toc: true


title: "" # custom title (optional)

description: "" # custom description (recommended)

canonical: "" # custom canonical URL (optional)

noindex: false # false (default) or true
  • title will handle the name of the main menu on the left of this doc page.

  • weight will handle the order of the collapsable menu on the left of this doc page.

You can find more information there : Hugo CMS web site : section

title: "Set up"
description: "How to set up this Tetras Documentation Template."
summary: ""
date: 2023-09-07T16:13:18+02:00
lastmod: 2023-09-07T16:13:18+02:00
draft: false
parent: ""
identifier: "example-ee51430687e728ba6e68dea3359133ad"
weight: 910
toc: true
title: "" # custom title (optional)
description: "" # custom description (recommended)
canonical: "" # custom canonical URL (optional)
noindex: false # false (default) or true

Your awesome content there

## Important Item of your content
### Less Important Item of your content

Oh what an awesome content !
  • title will handle the name of the submenu on the left of this doc page :


  • weight will handle the order of the submenu

  • Every part of you markdown content with at least two ‘#’ will be concider as a title of type <H2> and create an anchor link on the right of this doc like this :


This is useful to structure you text and easier for the user’s navigation.

You can find more information there : Doks Markdown Cheat Sheet